Increase your Lazada sales from Only $75/mo.

LZDRank boosts your Lazada sales by increasing organic traffic.

How? Using Lazada SEO to discover trending search terms & keywords then optimizing your listings to grow traffic & sales.

Trusted by 250+ Lazada Sellers | Cancel Anytime

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Data-Driven, Expertly Optimized Product Listings…

Every Single Month!

• $100m+ Revenue Generated

• 250+ Brands Actively Managed

• 10k+ Products Optimized

• Backed by 250k+ AB Tests

• Mult-Language Support

• Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines

• $100m+ Revenue Generated • 250+ Brands Actively Managed • 10k+ Products Optimized • Backed by 250k+ AB Tests • Mult-Language Support • Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines

How to boost your Lazada sales.

Lazada SEO helps you capture more traffic and boost sales by matching your listings with what customers are searching for.

  • Most Lazada traffic comes from organic search. You can increase organic traffic by ensuring your product titles and descriptions contain relevant search terms/keywords.

  • The more closely your product listings match the consumer searches, the higher your listing appears in the results. Keyword popularity varies month to month. For instance, "Valentine's gifts" will be the top search term in early January but not at the end of February.

  • Tailoring your titles and descriptions to include high-traffic keywords during peak times can significantly increase your traffic and revenue.

Lazada Search Algorithm

Lazada Big Data
+ Lazada Data Analysis
+Keyword Research
+Expert Copywriters

= Perfectly Optimized Products

At An Affordable Monthly Rate

  • LZDRank uses a combination of historical data and seasonal data to capture high-traffic keywords relevant to your products. This comes from our data platforms SplitDragon and Insight360, that have been harvesting Lazada market and keyword data for 6+ years now.

  • LZDRank has been programmed using Lazada listing optimization rules i.e. title character limits, description character limits, title structure, description structure and filled with data from 5+ years of search rank tracking data. This data is then used by our copywriting team to create the perfect listing content for your products.

  • High-traffic keywords can be extremely seasonal depending on the month, for example, one of May’s trending keywords is Mother’s Day. LZDRank provides brands with high-traffic keywords and search terms every month.

Get Always-On, Expertly Optimized Lazada Product Listings

  • Download your full Lazada product catalog and upload it to FairePulse. We’ll provide you with the exact format the CSV must be in.

  • Specify which products and which month you would like to optimize for, this is crucial as a significant amount of Lazada trending terms are seasonal.

  • You’ll receive an email notification within 72 Hours with a CSV of all optimized listings with re-written titles, descriptions, bullet points, and other relevant metadata (and each month thereafter). It’s as simple as that.

Why LZDRank?

Other Agencies/ Providers

No Historical Data

Limited Lazada experience


Endless Trial & Error


Update ~1x/year


6+ Years Historical Data

Team created Lazada’s 1st search rank tracking, keyword research, & AB testing software

Cost-effective, from $4/listing

100% data-backed decisions

Delivery within 72 hours

Monthly refreshes

Choose your plan



Optimize up to 10 products with targeted SEO, including trending keywords and search terms, enhancing visibility and sales on Lazada.


  • Up to 10 Product Listings per Month

  • Best-in-Class Keyword Research

  • 150 Trending Lazada Keywords & Search Terms included

  • Expertly Rewritten Product Titles, Bullet Points, & Descriptions

  • 1 Language

  • Delivered via .CSV file, easily import into Lazada Seller Center

Most Popular



Boost 10 to 50 products with advanced SEO strategies and trending keyword research, elevating your Lazada reach and effectiveness.


  • Up to 50 Product Listings per Month

  • Best-in-Class Keyword Research

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • 750 Trending Lazada Keywords & Search Terms included

  • Up to 2 Languages

  • Expertly Rewritten Product Titles, Bullet Points, & Descriptions

  • Delivered via .CSV file, easily import into Lazada Seller Center



Maximize visibility for up to 100 products with comprehensive SEO strategies, incorporating best-in-class keyword research, driving significant sales growth on Lazada.


  • Up To 100 Product Listings per Month

  • Best-in-Class Keyword Research

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • Unlimited Trending Lazada Keywords & Search Terms

  • Up to 2 Languages

  • Expertly Rewritten Product Titles, Bullet Points, & Descriptions

  • Delivered via .CSV file, easily import into Lazada Seller Center

Join 250+ sellers & affordably scale your Lazada Revenue